login on 8.5.1

When i login i get a red error text saying "Invalid form token. Please reload this form and submit again", however i am actually logged in.
Anyone else experiencing this?

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ConcreteOwl replied on at Permalink Reply
Take a look at the security section in concrete/config/concrete.php file and on line number 987 try setting the 'invalidate_on_ip_mismatch' to false
deanhawthornthwaite replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for your reply and suggestion but it did not make any difference.
mnakalay replied on at Permalink Reply
could you check if, by any chance, you have to token fields on the login page? They are hidden input fields with name ccm_token. You can look for them in the page's source
deanhawthornthwaite replied on at Permalink Reply
i found the hidden token field in the page code on line 104:
<input type="hidden" name="ccm_token" value="1570807514:5e8c698f456e436dbf1d33d6619dcb7c" />

However, what is weird is I've just signed into c5 community site (this site) and the first attempt gave me a token error. So the problem could be my browser maybe??

Im using chrome osx, so have just tried using firefox osx to login and i didn't get the error.