Multilingual language switcher failure

In the Multilingual site in latest Concrete5 8.5.4 version, the language switcher's flags are not according to default language.

When default language was the original English, the US flag is in the correct leftfault position, and the Norwegian flag is in the correct right position.

When default language is now set to Norwegian, the US flag is still to the left. That's complete wrong, as what's default needs to be placed to the left, and the other languange flag coming next to the right...

Janks replied on at Permalink Reply
There is even more problem with this...

When the default language was changed from English (the one original installed) to Norwegian, when clicking then the English flag, the click event ends in nothing...

I believe the Concrete5 developers need to sit down testing what they are making before publishing... the current Multilingual status is failure on failure on failure...