Page Lists not displaying when logged out

Hi, is there some sort of permission that I could be overlooking that would make my page lists not show when I'm logged out of Admin? Everything is great when I'm logged in, but once I'm out or signed in as a different user it's gone. My C5 version is

If anyone could point me in the right direction I would really appreciate it. Thanks!

ssrgspdkt replied on at Permalink Reply

you need to do one of the following. may use page list block in global area. if you are using global area. you need to go dashboard->stacks->[your global area] click approve changes. need to approve your which page has paglist block.

3. you need to disable& clear cache. dashboard->system&settings->cache&speed setting. off all cache for better development.
dashboard->system&settings->clear cache.
TBG replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks so much for getting back to me. Unfortunately, I've done all of those things and still nothing shows. Is there anything else that I could look into??
ssrgspdkt replied on at Permalink Reply
you can check after clearing browser cache shift+f5 in chrome,ctrl+f5 in firefox.
ssrgspdkt replied on at Permalink Reply
can i have screenshot of your pagelist block edit dialog box?
TBG replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Sure. I did also try clearing the browser cache. Nothing. :(
ssrgspdkt replied on at Permalink Reply
ConcreteOwl replied on at Permalink Reply
Go to dashboard->sitemap click your page and check permissions, make sure the view permission allows Guest to view,
TBG replied on at Permalink Reply
Just double checked and yes, they are all set to allow Guest to view.
ConcreteOwl replied on at Permalink Reply
Check the permissions of the blocks on the pages that the page list is accessing are set to allow Guest to view..
ConcreteOwl replied on at Permalink Reply
If this was the correct answer it is customary to mark it as such so that other members of the community with similar problems can see the solution.
TBG replied on at Permalink Reply
I did check the permissions of the pages that the Page List Block was accessing and all were set to guest. Where do I find the permission of the blocks? When I go to Stacks & Blocks > Block & Stack Permissions > there are only "Add Block" & "Add Stack" options available. Should there be a view also?
ConcreteOwl replied on at Permalink Reply
go to one of the pages with the blocks on and in edit mode click the block and check the view permissions of the block (assuming you are using advanced permissions)
TBG replied on at Permalink Reply
I currently do not have advanced permissions turned on.
tangent replied on at Permalink Reply

Did you find the answer? I have exactly the same problem.
TBG replied on at Permalink Reply
It ended up being a problem with the hosting setup. I switched the site to a different host and everything worked properly! (Unfortunately I'm not sure what was causing the issue - but that's what worked for me.)
nickratering replied on at Permalink Reply
Same here!
nickratering replied on at Permalink Reply
I have all permissions are correct for the pages and blocks, but if I ignore permissions in the pagelist model, all pagelists reappear.

protected $ignorePermissions = true;
heinrichundgretchen replied on at Permalink Reply
Could you tell me, where you changed the permissions? In my page_list.php this is already set to true...

And does anybody know, which hoster settings prevent page lists from working?

Thank you!
nickratering replied on at Permalink Reply
I've set it in the core (you should overrule it in root/models):


around line 21:
protected $ignorePermissions = true;

Best wishes,
heinrichundgretchen replied on at Permalink Reply
great, thank you. this worked out well.

however, i'm sure, this is not the intended solution, so it would be great to hear from the concrete5 guys about the necessary settings for page lists to work...

best regards,
mrjcgoodwin replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for this fix - was driving me up the wall. Obviously not an ideal hack - hopefully will be sorted soon in the core.
fhinojosa replied on at Permalink Reply
I know this thread is a bit old but maybe it will be useful for someone else.

Just wanted to add that ( I think that thanks to you guys) concrete core has a method that overrides this setting just for the current list.

The code to use is:

use it before the get method:
$pageList = new PageList();
     $pages_underneath_me = $pageList->get();


BTW: My concrete version is