Previous & Next Nav

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I have just completed a site which has gone live and after it did so I noticed a little quirk.
I have pretty URL's enabled and this works fine throughout the site except when any of the previous & next nav buttons are used, then it defaults back to including index.php into the page title that has be navigated to.
Anyone have any ideas on how I could change this or why it is happening?

jordanlev replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Which previous and next nav buttons are you using? Did you just add links as content, or the addon from the marketplace?

If it's just plain content, you want to insert links using the "Insert Link To Page" button at the very top of the editing window (not the "chain" icon lower down in the toolbar).

if it's the next/prev block from the marketplace... well I'm not sure. Sometimes adding this to your config/site.php file helps:
define('URL_REWRITING_ALL', true);
SigmaAlphaPi replied on at Permalink Reply
Hey there,

did that help? I'm having the same 'trouble'.

madeforspace replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes it did :)
TorstenKelsch replied on at Permalink Reply
I had the same problem. Jordanlev’s code line helps in deed. Thank you, jordanlev!