size of the thumbnails in file manager

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I am looking for the solution to change the thumbnail format in the file manager. I want to see them all in 60 pixels wide, and not cropped square 30 pixels, which is less convenient to identify them.

I changed the size of the thumbnails in the system setting and I chose "proportional" then I purged the cache to regenerate the thumbnails but nothing has changed.

Should we go into the code to change this option?

Thank you

2 Attachments

mnakalay replied on at Permalink Reply
Hello, the thumbnails generated using thumbnail types are not in the cache so purging the cache will not change anything. You need to rescan your files to generate new thumbnails.

If you have lots of files it's a bit of a pain so I suggest you install this free add-on and run the job it will do it for you:

Another thing to keep in mind is that the images are kept at a 30px x 30px size by CSS in the file manager so unless you override the CSS you're not going to actually see the difference
Elstud replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you.
I found a solution.

Just change this in filemanager.css

table.ccm-file-manager-list img.ccm-file-manager-list-thumbnail,table.ccm-file-manager-list img.ccm-generic-thumbnail{width:30px;height:30px}


table.ccm-file-manager-list img.ccm-file-manager-list-thumbnail,table.ccm-file-manager-list img.ccm-generic-thumbnail{width:auto;height:auto}

And I delete all thumbnails in the cache on the server and I give 80px & 60px for the size in systeme thumbnails.

Every thing is fine and thumbnails are regenerate like I want.
mnakalay replied on at Permalink Reply
If you modified directly a core concrete5 file you will lose all your modifications next time you update Concrete5.
okapi replied on at Permalink Reply
You don't need to hack the core, you can override




The folder application/css does not exist, you have to create it.
Elstud replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you, it's better !
PaiviK replied on at Permalink Reply 3 Attachments
New 30x30px thumbnails are too small for use on many sites.
This tip worked fine - at least for the thumbnail size.

But I found this causes problems with image uploading and selecting on several sites. They have been upgraded from 5.7.13 to 8.4.2 and further to 8.4.3. PHP 7.1 and/or 7.2. Problems with local and live sites. Images are rescanned.

Attached images show what happens: File manager works even if it looks funny. Selecting or changing images in Image block or Background image and Overlay block is difficult. Selection box is not visible - but in Image block link to File Manager works.

I would like to have it all: larger thumbnails and working image selection. But I just can't figure out why that override does what it does.

Any thoughts?
JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
You may find this pull of interest
PaiviK replied on at Permalink Reply
That is interesting!
Copied the files but didn't get popups working. Looking forward to updates now! (and will retry those files)

Thanks in advance :-)
Elstud replied on at Permalink Reply
I never use online editing functions. I did not find this problem ..
Elstud replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes that's true, but my previous experiences with upgrades have not been successful.
When the platform is stable, no more touching it before a new generation is needed.
It's sad but it's more cautious ..