Sub-page Permissions programmatically

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When creating a user I am creating a unique calendar for each user which they can control. This works fine, but when I log in as that user I am unable to create events on the calendar - this is due to the sub-page permissions which is not allowing it. I can set these manually on the new create page Calendar, but how do I go about doing it programmatically so that it is done when adding the user as opposed to having to do it manually.

This is my code, I tried using the canAddSubCollection but this doesn't seem to work unless I am doing something wrong.

class createUserCalendar extends Object {
   public function createSpecialUserInfo($ui) {
       // Load the collection types and page models
       // Set collection type
       $ct = CollectionType::getByHandle('left_sidebar');
       // Get User ID
       $uid = $ui->getUserID();
      // Page Data array to give to $page->add
        $pageData = array(
                "cName" => "My Calendar",
                "cHandle" => "mycalendar" . $uid);
        $page = Page::getByID(1);

GregJoyce replied on at Permalink Reply
It looks like this is pretty close. I think you will want to check out
function BuildPermissionsFromArray in concrete/models/permissions.php.

I think you'll want to do basically the same thing as you're doing for groups for the users.
$pxml->user[0]['canAddSubContent'] = true;
      $pxml->user[0]['canAddSubCollection("$bt")'] = true;

Isn't really going to do anything because they aren't options in the function in the permissions model.