Unable to edit my theme


I have a problem where I am unable to edit my theme. Due to the nature of my website this is the only stuff i have in default.php:
defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die(_("Access Denied."));
   <!-- Content starts -->
   <!-- Scrollers -->
   <?php  $b = new Area('PeopleScroller'); $b->display($c); ?>
   <?php  $d = new Area('PlacesScroller'); $b->display($c); ?>
   <?php  $e = new Area('ThingsScroller'); $b->display($c); ?>
   <?php  $f = new Area('UnderWaterScroller'); $b->display($c); ?>
   <!-- Videos section -->
   <?php  $g = new Area('VideosSection'); $b->display($c); ?>
   <!-- Gallery photos -->
   <?php  $h = new Area('GalleryPhotos'); $b->display($c); ?>
   <?php   $this->inc('elements/footer.php'); ?>

When entering edit mode I am unable to add blocks to these areas, because they are all stacked with no room between them.

I would appreciate any help greatly!


mhawke replied on at Permalink Reply
Normally you wrap the areas in divs such as this. You can add the php code to inject a minimum height of 25px to your divs if you're in edit mode.:

$c = Page::getCurrentPage();
if ($c->isEditMode()) {?>
#your-wrapper div {min-height:25px;}
<?php } ?>
<div id="your-wrapper"> 
   <?php  $b = new Area('PeopleScroller'); $b->display($c); ?>
   <?php  $d = new Area('PlacesScroller'); $b->display($c); ?>