What version am I running?

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Where in concrete5 can I tell what version of the core code I'm running?

tbcrowe replied on at Permalink Reply
Take a look at the definition of APP_VERSION in concrete/config/base.php. It will tell you the version of C5 you have. This value is also available to you if you are coding a block.

I don't know if there is a way to access this info from the dashboard.
CWSpear replied on at Permalink Reply
Things may have changed since you posted this, but in /concrete/config/base.php, APP_VERSION is defined thusly:


and $APP_VERSION isn't anywhere else in base.php. Obviously not helpful.

It seems (at least in, and I confirmed it in, there is a /concrete/config/version.php file that's only a couple lines long, and that's where it sets $APP_VERSION.