This is the documentation for concrete5 version 5.6 and earlier. View Current Documentation

Pages, Areas and Blocks share a unified permissions framework. There is a simple API with which developers can check to see if the logged-in user has the ability to perform a variety of content-related actions.

Getting the Permissions Object

Getting the permissions object for a page, area, block or file is as simple as passing it to the Permissions() constructor.

	$p = new Permissions($page);

Areas can be interacted with in the same way

	$a = Area::get($page, 'Main'); 	$p = new Permissions($a);

As can blocks:

	$block = Block::getByID($blockID, $page, 'Main'); 	$p = new Permissions($block); 

Permissions Methods

The following methods are available in the Permissions Object

Available to All Permissions Objects


Returns true if the logged-in user can read the piece of content.


Returns true if the logged-in user can edit the piece of content.

Available when $page was passed to Permissions()


Returns true if the logged-in user can add pages beneath the current page.


Returns true if the logged-in user can add a page of the type $collectionType beneath the current page.


Returns true if the logged-in user can read versions.


Returns true if the logged-in user can delete the page.


Returns true if the logged-in user can approve the page.

Available when a block or area is passed to the Permissions() constructor


Returns true if the user can delete the block (or any block from within the area.)

Available when an Area object is passed to Permissions()


Returns true if the user has the ability to add a block.


Returns true if the user is able to add a block of the $blockType to the area.

File Permissions

File permissions are slightly more advanced than other content types.

Getting File Permissions

The following will grab the global file permissions object.

$fp = FilePermissions::getGlobal()

Additionally, if advanced permissions have been enabled for your site, you may grab file-set-based permissions this way

	$fs = FileSet::getByName('My File Set'); 	$p = new Permissions($fs);

Methods Available


Returns true if the user can add files (to the selected set, or the file manager as a whole.)


Returns true if the user can add a file with the given extension (to the selected set, or the file manager as a whole.)


Grabs the extension, then returns the value of canAddFileType($extension)


Returns true if the user has access to the file manager interface (the file search parameter.)

$p-> canSearchFiles()

Returns true if the user can search files.

$p-> getAllowedFileExtensions()

Gets all file extensions the user is allowed to add.

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