A few errors

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A couple of problems.

When I try to EDIT questions it crashes.

How can I improve radio buttons layout? The text does not line up with the button as it does in your sample.

Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
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jb1 replied on at Permalink Reply

Sorry we are usually off on weekends. Can you send me your dashboard login so I can take a closer look, via Private message is fine.

jb1 replied on at Permalink Reply

By the way what kind of error do you encounter when editing a question? Also is it for a particular question or all existing questions?

cc87admin replied on at Permalink Reply
After creating the groups and questions, when I go to EDIT it freezes on screen. The only way I can get out is ESC and it returns to editing the page (outside the block on the survey). So cannot edit any question. It seems to periodically work. I had that issue once on cresting my first survey on the Training tab, but then I could edit the question fine. But on the Wellbeing tab I couldn't edit those questions at all over a few sessions.

My main concern is the radio buttons not aligning with the text. But I couldn't go back and edit the questions to change that to pull down menu or work out how to fix the text. Would this be the width of my column? I would like the radio buttons to work better.

Any suggestions?
jb1 replied on at Permalink Reply

We would just like to inform you that we are still investigating on this.

cc87admin replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for letting me know
jb1 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Mel,

We've done a lot of work on Advance Survey lately. Sorry for taking a long time to respond to you. Now I have the time to focus on this. Can you send me your dashboard login with administrator access via Private Message so I can take a closer look?


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