Question Group Names missing when not using Tabs

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I really need my Question Group Names to display to survey users when I'm not using the Group Tabs option. Can you advise of quick adaptation to get these on to each of my question group pages without having to use the text add option - i find this very time consuming! My thinking is that is should be an automatic option hence the question.

I've attached a screenshot that shows the Group Description but no group name.

Thanks for your help with this.

If you would like some general feedback on this tool with ideas for future improvement I'd be happy to provide.


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Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
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robhall replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi JB,

If you could just point me to the php file where the layout is created I might be able to correct myself.


jb1 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Rob,
Apologies for the delay in getting back to you. My Support Manager, JZ, usually looks after support requests but he is out of the office at the moment on urgent family matters. So I'm catching up on the recent tickets that have come through.

There's 2 ways to achieve this outcome:

1) Use CSS to hide the "innactive" tabs at the top and just show the current "active" tab. This would be the easiest option and require fewest code changes. I'd recommend this.
(just modify blocks/jb_survey/css/tabs.css)
Basic CSS knowledge is required.

2) Modify the PHP file where the actual form it outputted.
Modify models/survey.php after before 503. Add line:
echo '<div class="qgroupname">'.$qgroupname['groupName']."</div>";

(you can change the "qgroupname" class to any other formatting you wish)

If you need us to make the change for you, we do offer custom programming services at very affordable rates.

I hope this helps.

robhall replied on at Permalink Reply

Many thanks for this help. Greatly appreciated. I'll try the recommendations out and respond.

robhall replied on at Permalink Reply
Option 1 worked a treat.

Thanks JB.
jb1 replied on at Permalink Reply
Happy to help :)
On Jan 14, 2015 10:33 PM, "concrete5 Community" <>

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