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Block A Button

Turn a Container into a Button!

Insert this block anywhere on your page and it will turn its whole parent container into a clickable button with a cool semi-transparent overlay on hover.

How It Works

Insert the block anywhere in an editable Area. With Javascript enabled, things get exciting: the link is hidden on page load and the entire area of its parent (i.e. containing) element is made clickable with the same URL as the link (you can link to internal pages as well as external URLs, with the option to open links in a new window).

You have the option to control the position and size of the button within the container, or to expand the button to fill the whole container (the whole area is always clickable, but making the button fill the space allows some cool effects as well as eyecatching HUGE TEXT!)

Degrades Gracefully

The block degrades gracefully: with Javascript turned off, the block renders just like a normal link. You can customise the block-a-button-inited class to give the link a different appearance for those without and with Javascript turned on.



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