Relative URL and Ordinal Suffix

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Love this addon! I'm just trying it for the first time and so far have a couple of minor feature requests:

1) In "Smart Link" field when entering my own URL I'd like it to accept /relative_urls or #anchors - currently says invalid link if I enter those.

2) In Date-Time field as it uses strftime() it is missing some options that you would get with date() format, and I'd like option to use ordinal suffix (st, nd, rd, th).
Workaround for this could be to add %O as an extra modifier like this:
$format = str_replace('%O', date('S', $timestamp), $format);
return strftime($format, $timestamp);

I expect I might get other ideas the more I use it - loving it so far, thanks!

Type: Discussion
Status: Resolved
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tomrice replied on at Permalink Reply
One more idea - option to set default Title for smart links
ramonleenders replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Tom,

Great you're loving it so far!

As for the relative/anchors, the URL option indeed only accepts real URL's. That way people can't screw up by entering a non-valid URL. I'm able to make a "Relative URL" and "Anchor URL", but it will take me some time as I'm loaded with work currently.

Same goes for the datetime thingy.

I've made an issue/todo for both, so I'll be able to get back to you once I've completed (a) task(s).

Kind regards,

tomrice replied on at Permalink Reply
Ok that's cool, thanks Ramon! I also added another comment about maybe adding a "default title" option for smartlinks - I might continue posting more ideas to this board if I have any (if that's ok) - these are all things I can work around for now by manually editing the blocks but thought I would suggest them as features if they're things I can see myself needing more than once and/or if others might find them useful.
ramonleenders replied on at Permalink Reply
N problem. I'd suggest creating a new "ticket" for each request though. This way we know we're talking about the same in each ticket and tickets can get closed once done.

Feature requests are not only great, awesome and ideal for yourself indeed. Others could use them too. Thank you too for sharing!
ramonleenders replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Tom,

I've added an option "Relative URL" in version 2.7.0 of Block Designer Pro. There's basically only validation if it's empty or not (when you require the field), so you can add in anchors as well (#my-div). That should solve both problems I guess?

Kind regards,

tomrice replied on at Permalink Reply
Awesome thanks Ramon :-)

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