Bug: Datepicker -> CSS missing

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I used the datepicker on a concrete5 8.1 project. The visual appereance was not the same as in 5.7. After some research i found that some css-styles are from a file bootstrap-modified.css that comes with the elemental theme.

Missing declarations are e.g.:
.dropdown-menu { ... }
.collapse { }
.collapse.in { }

Perhaps this shouldn't be in relation to the theme and work as standalone (provided by bootstrap-datepicker.css or some custom blockdesigner-css)?

Thanks for making block designer available. Great piece of software!

Type: Ticket
Status: Archived
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ramonleenders replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi there,

I just tried with both elemental and a different theme I had craeted, and had no issues. Both are Bootstrap themes though. You don't have a Bootstrap theme I assume? Since you can have multiple themes in a concrete5 website and use blocks with different themes, I'd advice you to include the missing Bootstrap styling within your theme (if logged in/has edit access). This way you don't override any existing theme Bootstrap stuff and since you have a non-Bootstrap theme, it will work as expected. That means it will always work, with every theme. Right? Also, no more logic has to be entered within the block itself, which would make the site slower eventually if it has to check every time/page. Just a couple extra lines within your theme and you're done.

Kind regards,

webpresso replied on at Permalink Reply
We have a bootstrap theme. But not the full css code.
I solved this with adding the missing css in a file that is included while logged in. So the editing experience works just fine now.
ramonleenders replied on at Permalink Reply
Oh really.. My Bootstrap theme(s) do not have anything special in it. Maybe it's missing code then, since I'm assuming this is default Bootstrap v3 code (or maybe you have Bootstrap v2)?

But you fixed it now, right? So "solved" for your theme? :)

Kind regards,

webpresso replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes solved for us.
We have the full bootstrap 3.6 present as less but do not include every less-file since we use mainly the grid and few other things. So we dont't geht the .dropdown class. That was the reason for not working.

But if someone don't use bootstrap the date/timepicker would not work for them unless they add the same css classes.

best regards, Roland
webpresso replied on at Permalink Reply
This is what we added. Perhaps it's helpful for someone else.

/* Needed for Timepicker */
ramonleenders replied on at Permalink Reply
OK, I see. Already thought some CSS was left out.

Thanks for pasting in the missing CSS, would be really useful for people without Bootstrap or leaving out some .less files as well (or stripping the CSS manually)!

Hope the rest of the Add-On works as expected :)

Kind regards,
ConcreteCMS replied on at Permalink Reply
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ConcreteCMS replied on at Permalink Reply
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ConcreteCMS replied on at Permalink Reply
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