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Blueberry Image Slider


This add-on is a responsive image slider / gallery based on blueberry (http://marktyrell.com/labs/blueberry) and responsive web design principles. Blueberry is an experimental opensource jQuery image slider plugin that has been written specifically to work with fluid/responsive web layouts.

The aim of this add-on is to wrap the blueberry slider and it’s core functionality up into an easy to use and configurable concrete5 block, making it a breeze to add a responsive image gallery to your website.

Blueberry does come with one minor restriction – all images in the slider should be the same size. You should also be aware that this slider needs your site to have been designed with responsive design principles in mind, or be using a responsive theme such as Flexcrete.

This add-on comes with some configurable options as follows…

  • Set the duration for how long each image is displayed before transitioning to the next slide
  • Add a margin (clear space) around the outside of the slider
  • Show / hide the paging controls for the slider
  • Add a border of any width and colour to the slider

Why not take a look at the Screenshots for this add-on to get a better feel for how the slider can be configured and how it looks with different configurations.


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