Change view size on certain pages - is it possible?

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I'd like to shrink down the monthly calendar to fit in the sidebar of my pages - can it be done? When I added it to my sidebar it extended past the sidebar width. Same with agenda view - the font was too big. But I don't necessarily want to change the font size of ALL instances of agenda view. Ideas?

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drewR replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Jessica,
Have you explored the "Set Block Styles"?
When your page is in edit mode, click on the block the Calendar you want to edit is in. Select "Design" which will bring you into "Set Block Styles."
This allows you to make changes at the block level (which will not change ALL instances of that view).
Are you comfortable customizing css?
JessicaCG replied on at Permalink Reply
I am comfortable customizing CSS, but I haven't been able to locate where in the CSS files the current block sizes are governed and I need to know that for reference (i.e. what is the size of the left sidebar?). I found some documentation that references a CSS file that should be at default/main/style.css within the theme folder, but it's not there - I've found only typography.css and main.css, and there is no folder called default. I can't find layout size info on either of the css files I've examined. If you can help me solve this issue, you'd be doing me a HUGE help, not just with calendar.
GregJoyce replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Jessica,
the CSS files that are actually active on your site can be in a few places:
- inside your active theme. This will usually be in [site root]/themes/name_of_theme/ or in packages/theme_package/themes/name_of_theme/

Per-block css is going to be determined by the package that installed the block, so for the calendar that's going to be at [site root]/packages/calendar/blocks/calendar/

You never want to change anything inside of [site root]/concrete/. Any changes you make there will go away when you update concrete5, and there is no easy way to undo changes made in the concrete/ folder.

Here is a how-to explaining how making changes to concrete5 works:

Really, the first three links will be the most useful to you. The rest of the how-to is more technical but you might still find it useful.
JessicaCG replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for the reply - I've been able to locate the CSS files within the themes/[mythemename] folder, but when I examine them, they seem lacking in the information I'm looking for. For example - I want to reduce the margin/padding on the Sitewide Site Name "block", or find out how wide the sidebar and main blocks are, but I cannot find anything in main.css or typography.css that governs those characteristics.
JessicaCG replied on at Permalink Reply
My question is perhaps better described here, where I am also anxiously awaiting a reply:
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