WARNING: concrete5 5.6 and earlier are end-of-life. Sales from the marketplace have now ended. Click here to learn more about this transition.

Crinte Courses

Concrete 5.5 compatible. 

cCourses lets you create and handle different courses on your concrete5. It provides you an interface from which you can create new courses, groups, teachers also handle students from all groups.
- Mostly backend database add/edit/delete package for managing courses of any kind
- Add courses
- Add groups to courses
- Add Teachers and assign groups to teachers (2 different can be added)
- Add Students to groups 
- Different price can be added per Student, if not used, group price is used
- Manage student payments
- Includes a very simple block type for automatic registration & viewing course groups on pages you want.
- Get registrars automatically into your database with no extra work!
- Keep history of your courses as the package automatically calculates the academic year, starting 01.07 and ending 30.06
This add-on was first built for a language school website, which means it's in use and has not only developers ideas, but users as well
NB! Does not use attribute, user, and groups aspects of C5.


Sales have ended due to EOL

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