CHD Achievement Counter

Developed by

Version 9 Ready!

Multi-Site Licensing

To obtain a multi-site license you must negotiate a special offer with Chrouglas, the developer of CHD Achievement Counter.

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Add this block to your site to highlight a numeric achievement. If your organization sold 50,000 widgets, this block can show that off. When this block comes into the browser's view it will start at zero and increase incrementally until it reaches the achievement number. You can adjust the point on the screen at which the counter starts. You can also adjust both the amount the increment amount and the speed at which it increases. In the case of javascript being disabled in the user's browser, the achievement number will just be displayed. Four text sizes are available and it can be set for the alignment of your choosing. Include preceeding characters like a dollar sign and trailing characters like a percentage sign.

Current Version: 1.0.0
Fully Translatable: Yes
Needs External Libraries: No
Compatible 9.0.0+
License: Standard
Support Response: Replies to tickets every few days.
Support Hosted: On
Needs extra server permissions: No
Needs Internet: No
Marketplace Tests:
Passed Automated Tests
Passed PRB Review