
Add a Contact Directory

Go to the Dashboard select Contact Directory or Manage Directories, both will open the Manage Directories overlay.
Name your new Directory and click add. This will take you to Manage Directories and present you will your current directories and the options to edit or manage them.

Add a Contact Directory Block

When you add a Contact Directory Block the Sources tab allows you to select which directory you would like to add.

Now Click into the Header Tab. Notice all fields are Hidden by default. Select which fields you would like to be displayed, displayed and sortable, included in search results. If you would like search enabled select which fields you would like to search. You can set your default for sorting.

Rename fields in the display by checking Custom Label, and typing in your new field name. You can also change the order field appear in.

Manage Directories

To Import Directories go to the Dashboard and select Manage Directories
You can choose to replace your existing directory or append it.

Assign Pictures

You can assign pictures to your contacts by uploading them to the following folder in your server, relative to your concrete5 install:


Each picture should be called FIRSTNAME_LASTNAME.jpg

Photo needs to be a .jpg

All fields are Hidden by default, you will need to go in to Edit Contact Directory select the Header tab. Now you can select which fields will be displayed, displayed and sortable, included in search results.

Skinning the Contact Directory Block

To skin the Contact Directory block, copy packages/contact_directory/blocks/contact_directory/view.php into blocks/contact_directory/view.php, in your local directory.