Petersen cSQL DataBase Viewer

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Not Version 9 Ready Yet.

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Adds a dashboard entry called "cSQL". Assuming your website is running on a compatible system, it will allow you to view your site's database, removing the neccesity of logging into your sites backend merely to check database values.

Potential Benefits and usecases of using Petersen cSQL DataBase Viewer:

- If your company seperates Database Management and Web Development into different teams, it gives your Web Dev team a chance to know whatever they may need to know about database entries without editing.

- Allowing your customer support team a window into user database entries, making giving full reports to your Dev/IT team much simpler, saving precious development cycles, and your IT/Dev team can direct support teams specific areas to check for frequent problems.

- Allows Development teams to be able to do more with a single login, accelerating workflow.

- Useful for App Developers, as it allows quick-checking of database values edited by addons, meaning an often-repeated event that may takes minutes is reduced to seconds.

- It allows other admin-access teams the ability to view the database without affecting it, opening up many opportunities for technical collaberation not otherwise possible.

Current Version: 0.2.5
Fully Translatable: Yes
Needs External Libraries: No
License: Standard
Support Response: Replies to tickets once a week or so.
Support Hosted: On
Needs extra server permissions: No
Needs Internet: No
Marketplace Tests:
Passed Automated Tests
Passed PRB Review