Photo in column unsuccessful

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I,m trying to insert a jpg or png file in to the file using libreoffice.
I'm unsuceccesfull how does one go about that.
tried the help file of libereoffice but din't find a solution.

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Status: In Progress
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BinaryBlocks replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi, Niels
Please, compare your CSV with the one from the following example (there is a link to download it):
Let us now if it solves your problem.

Kind regards
NielsTieland replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi thanks for your answer,
I see that this are links to a image.
Is it possible to embed the picture in the csv file directly?

Kind regards,


Op 7-8-2017 om 11:34 schreef concrete5 Community:
BinaryBlocks replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi, Niels
It is not possible to embed an image into a CSV file, since it is a plain-text format for tabular data.
EasyTables parses the file and renders its contents in an enhanced way, for instance, URLs that points to an image result in the image being displayed in the table.
EasyTables offers several enhancements that can be used in yor CSV, but in the end a CSV file is just plain text.
Kind regards

concrete5 Environment Information

# concrete5 Version

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