Paypal - Things don't appear to be working at the moment. Please try again later.

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Hi, for some reason the checkout is not working (I only have the Paypal gateway option enabled) and when it goes through to paypal it says:
"Things don't appear to be working at the moment. Please try again later."

The shop is

Do you know what might be the cause of this error?

many thanks

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Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
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jb1 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Emma,
I've been able to replicate that issue. I'll have a closer look at your cart settings to see if I can pinpoint the cause.

wildws replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi JB,
Have you had any joy with this? Do you need to access the website backend to see the settings?

jb1 replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm traveling at the moment and my accommodation didn't have wifi access as I hoped for. So I've only got Internet access on my phone. I'll be back in wifi range tomorrow evening. But if you can PM the dashboard access details in the meantime, it will help speed things up in case it's needed later.

Thanks for your patience.

jb1 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Emma,
I've looked into this particular error and can see this URL when checking out:

In particular, the "BAD_INPUT_ERROR" error code is the clue as to what is going on. This particular code is generated by Paypal when they're not happy with some of the data passed through to them. As of late March 2017 Paypal changed a few incoming fields expected during checkout. But this shouldn't have impacted my cart system. In fact the demo installation of the cart at is still working fine.

I've tested a bunch of the settings and think I've found the specific cause on your site. The product descriptions are too long after Paypal recently limited the number of characters allowed for product descriptions. I added a test product to your cart to confirm this:

Not working:

Paypal's documentation for developers doesn't specify the exact length allowed, but I'm assuming it's the same as the product name (which is 127 characters).

Try using a shorter description and please confirm if that works ok.

If that's the case, please confirm and I'll adjust the checkout code to truncate the product description as it's passed onto Paypal.

wildws replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi JB,

Yes you're absolutely right - products with a shorter description will check out fine... So please can you go ahead and truncate the product description as it's passed to Paypal?

Many thanks

jb1 replied on at Permalink Reply
I've just uploaded the new version to the marketplace ( which truncates the product description to 100 characters when it's passed through to Paypal. Like I mentioned Paypal documentation doesn't specify the exact length limits so I'm assuming the description is the same as the product title (127 characters), and this limit of 100 should pass easily within that.

To upgrade: simply download and install the new version (overwriting your current version) OR use the C5 dashboard (if you have marketplace integration) then that should solve the issue.

If you already have items in your cart (stored in a cookie on your computer), it's best to empty the shopping cart before trying to check out again.

Please let me know how you go.

wildws replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks JB, I have updated and everything works perfectly now :)
jb1 replied on at Permalink Reply
Great to hear. :-)
If you were pleased with the support, I'd greatly appreciate a positive review in the C5 marketplace:

I hope you have a wonderful weekend.


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