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Whenever I add an entry to a FAQ, when you click on 'read more' a whole load of latin appears, e.g.

Duis dapibus nibh eu arcu viverra tempor. Fusce auctor sapien eu mauris malesuada vel euismod orci vulputate. Curabitur at orci id quam mollis rhoncus vitae volutpat urna. Nam eget sapien at neque mollis varius sed vitae ipsum. Vestibulum commodo, eros sit amet sagittis cursus, massa mi lacinia lorem, vel pellentesque sapien purus eu lacus. Pellentesque mollis gravida enim. Fusce mi odio, elementum ut fermentum a, pharetra in quam

Searching the whole of the concrete5 isntallation shows
./concrete/config/install/sample_content.sql:1010: ,(16,'<p>Duis dapibus nibh eu arcu viverra tempor. ....

Why is it appearing

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GregJoyce replied on at Permalink Reply
This is actually just placeholder content. You can remove the content when you edit the block. I believe it is the popular "lorem ipsum" placeholder text, which is why it is in Latin.
neilw replied on at Permalink Reply
No, this is appearing below the text I enter in the block!
GregJoyce replied on at Permalink Reply
That's strange, but it should be fixable.
I was not able to replicate this, actually. When you are adding an FAQ are you using the "blog" Page Type? That might be where the extra content is coming from. In any case, if you edit the page you are seeing the extra content, you should be able to delete it when editing the page.

Also, the example FAQ is mostly just so developers can get a sense of how single-page interfaces work for the dashboard, I think there are some more complete FAQ solutions available in the marketplace if this isn't working out for you.

Hopefully you'll see where you can edit out that block of Latin though.
GregJoyce replied on at Permalink Reply
Another thing you might check is the "page type defaults" for the Blog page type. From there you should be able to just delete the block and then when you make a new "Blog" page type, you won't see the extra text.

But again, when you are setting up your FAQs you'll probably want to use the Full or "Left Sidebar" page types. The Blog page type has areas, etc for writing blog posts.

Also, I am not seeing the "Lorem Ipsum" text in version 5.5.1 of concrete5, so you might also consider upgrading. The latest version of concrete5 has a new look and some cool features that are not in the 5.4.2.x series. Also most add-ons will eventually no longer be compatible with 5.4.2
neilw replied on at Permalink Reply
Seems it is the blog after all. In the FAQ you specify a page type, if I specify blog, which is the default it gets the sample data.

However, if I change it to any of the normal ones, the breadcrumbs disappears so there is no way back to the fack afer you click on 'details'?

I guess that begs the question, there is a ton of sample data, how do you get rid of it?
GregJoyce replied on at Permalink Reply
Try taking a look at the "blog" page type from your dashboard by going to "page types" under "Pages And Themes". If you click the "defaults" button, you can edit the default page type for the blogs. It should have the lipsum content shown there. That's also where the breadcrumb is coming from.

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