
Current Version

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Before 1.9

Review posted by tobyme on at

Very Nice & Good support

Very handy plugin with good support. It was a little tricky to setup but I think the documentation is better now and many bugs are ironed out.

Its the ideal tool to give clients an easy way to display events without having to set them up on both facebook and their website.
Review posted by Jifortec on at

Very helpful plugin!

This plugin does what it says. It allows you to list your events or an event from your facebook account.

It works!

But, it lacks of some documentation. After installing, you need to connect the plugin to facebook, otherwise you will only get "No events found". So, after installation go to the Concrete Cms dashboard and click on the new item named "Facebook Events". There follow the steps presented. If you encountered a problem with access tokens, logout and login from your facebook account, until you succeed to connect to Facebook.


I leave a suggestion for a new feature. If you want to add the list of users attending for each event on your event list, like in this example:

Add the following code to your facebook_events/blocks/view.php :

<div id="facebook_events_rsvp" class="clearfix">
<h4 id="facebook_events_rsvp_title"><img src="/packages/facebook_events/images/fbicon.png" /> <?php echo t("Não percas esta festa! Vens?");?></h4>
<?php echo count($event["attending"]["data"]);?> <?php echo t("pessoas confirmadas.");?>
<a class="uibutton confirm" onclick="rsvpAction(attend, <?php echo $event["id"];?>);" target="_blank"><?php echo t('Aderir');?></a>
<a class="uibutton" onclick="rsvpAction(maybe, <?php echo $event["id"];?>);" target="_blank"><?php echo t('Talvez');?></a>
<div id="facebook_events_rsvp_attend-<?php echo $event["id"]; ?>">
<?php if(count($event["attending"]["data"])):?>
<?php foreach($event["attending"]["data"] as $num => $user):?>
<img src="<?php echo $user["id"];?>/picture?type=square" width="40" height="40" />
<?php if ($num > 6) break;?>
<?php endforeach;?>
<?php endif;?>

Add the following code to your js/rsvp.js (to add the user thumbnail to the respective attending list after the user click on Join in the event) :

function attend(eid, reload, uid) {

FB.api('/'+eid+'/attending', 'post', function(response) {

if (response === true) {

if($("img[id='"+eid+'_'+uid+"']").length) {

var img = $('<img />');
img.attr('src', ''+uid+'/picture');
img.attr('width', '40');
img.attr('height', '40');
img.attr('id', eid+'_'+uid);

if ($('#facebook_events_rsvp_attend-'+eid + 'img').length >= 10) {
$('#facebook_events_rsvp_attend-'+eid + 'img').last().hide();




function maybe(eid, reload, uid) {

FB.api('/'+eid+'/maybe', 'post', function(response) {

if (response === true) {

if($("img[id='"+eid+'_'+uid+"']").length) {

var img = $('<img />');
img.attr('src', ''+uid+'/picture');
img.attr('width', '40');
img.attr('height', '40');
img.attr('id', eid+'_'+uid);

if ($('#facebook_events_rsvp_attend-'+eid + 'img').length >= 10) {
$('#facebook_events_rsvp_attend-'+eid + 'img').last().hide();

//var number = parseInt($('.number').html());




This next step it's only to import the CSS: Add the single_event block but hide it.

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