WARNING: concrete5 5.6 and earlier are end-of-life. Sales from the marketplace have now ended. Click here to learn more about this transition.

** Note: After about five years of working with concrete5 I've moved onto other projects, so will no longer be updating my packages to future concrete5 releases.  5.7+ is not supported. Best of luck to the team and the community.** 

File/Image Details

Easily display any properties or attributes of a file.  Great for making a standalone image or file details page to help with search engine indexing. 

With the File/Image Details block, you can choose from a list of properties (like title, description, tags, date added, file size, file name, and download link) and custom attributes, drag them into any order, and optional provide a label for each detail item.  You can also now add Digital Watermarks to protect your images, by using text like your company name or an uploaded image as a semi-transparent overlay!

Some of the detail types then provide further options, such as a max width and height if you want to display and image, or link the image to another url.  It also gives you control of the styling, including title color/style (h1, h2, bold etc), label color/width/bolding.  If you are using tags with your files, you can ever specify a target page to go to when a tag is clicked.

For selecting the source file or image, you have two choices: you can select one manually, or you can have it dynamically load any image based on a query string variable (so you don't have to make a seperate page for each file).  Integrates well with the Billboards, Image/File Search, and ProPhoto blocks, all of which you can buy at a 30% discount in the Photography / Image Gallery Package.

Example URL: http://inneroptics.net/photo/?fID=167

Project Page: http://concrete5packages.com/toolbox/file-image-details/ 


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