Cookie does not remember when a user goes back to defult size

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Hi, first off, I really like this plug-in but second, I noticed a problem with the cookie, it does not remember when a user chooses to reset the text back to it's original size. Is there an easy fix for this?


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alphabetta replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
I took a look at the code, found the duplicate cookie plugin file another user mentioned and removed it..

This was the first time I have used the jQuery cookie plug-in and it has a few caveats, so anyone else who runs into the issue and looks up the documentation needs to be aware that the documentation is incorrect as pointed out in this getHub discussion:

so I adjusted the code in the reset function to just delete the cookie because it was the quickest solution I had time for...

Search for this:

and add this right after:
$.cookie("fontscale", null, {path:'/'});

To embed in your templates, you will need to load the javascript in your header file or this plug-in will not work when embedded.
bryanlewis replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you! This helped fix the problem for me as well!
LucasAnderson replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for the fix, I've implemented this in the latest release.

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