
To start adding news items to your site, first off you would add a "News" page type anywhere on your site.  Then you will see a table on the Manage News page from the dashboard.  Click the "Add" button to add a news item underneath that page.  To add more News sections around the site, simply add more News pages - when you add new News Items you will be able to pick that page from a dropdown as the parent.

To create archives of news, add a page of type "News Archive" directly under any one of the News sections. The collection handle / URL Slug of the archive page needs to match the value for Archive Path on the /dashboard/hutman_news/settings page.  From the settings page you can also set the Archive Length, and choose if the archive is an amount of days or an amount of articles.  News Items over this threshold will automatically be moved to the Archive section when you publish new News Items.

There is also a block for displaying feeds from News sections in different areas of the site, called "News List." It is pretty similar to the built in Page List, but will only display News pages.  There are a few custom templates, one for displaying a random news item and one for displaying a rotating list of news items.