
Image Accordion documentation

Accordion items

You can add here the clickable items that are displayed in the accordion. You must choose (a) at least 2 images and fill their title (b) and the destination link (c), that can be an external link (custom url) or a page from your site.

You can reorder items dragging (d) them up ot down to another position.

Accordion items


Changing the different options you can control the visual aspect of the accordion.

  • e. Inactive item dimension: the size items will have when they are collapsed.
  • f. Active item dimension: the size items will have when they are selected and expanded.
  • g. Items separation: distance between two consecutive items.
  • h. Separation color: color of the space between two consecutive items.
  • i. Menu position: defines if the accordion is displayed either vertically or horizontally.
  • j. Height/Width of the menu: if the menu position is set to 'horizontal' it sets the height of the menu, if the menu position is set to vertical it sets the width.
  • k. Animation effect: establish the animation displayed when an item is selected or deselected.
  • l. Transition duration: in miliseconds, controls the time that the animation effect lasts.
  • m. Fade in / fade out the item's title: if checked, the title of an item appears when selected. If unchecked, the title is showed by default and vanishes when the item is selected.Image Accordion options