Fantasic Addon. A couple of queries about renewals

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Your addon is brilliant. Easy to install and low maintenance, all working great for almost a year now.

As some members are coming up for (1 Year) renewals, I and they have a few queries:

Members are asking if they will get renewal notifications. I've told them 'yes' but I have two questions arising from that:

1 - How can I see what renewal emails they will receive? Will it have a link for them to re-purchase a one year membership?
2 - If they renew early, will their membership be extended by a year or will it "re-start" on the early date? Is this explained in the renewal email?

Note - As I am also selling an upgrade to a lifetime membership, 1 year members can't see the "1 year signup" link. It is hidden, so that they see the upgrade link. So I'm hoping that there is a link in the renewal email.

Many thanks,

Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
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kimstone replied on at Permalink Reply
I am very interested in the answer to item number two here. Thank you.
jshannon replied on at Permalink Reply
It will extend the membership by a year from the current latest expiration date.
kimstone replied on at Permalink Reply
Awesome!! Thank you!

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