Urgent Need - Email and Auto Create

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We're using this site as a way to purchase subscriptions for our accelerator documents.

As we want it to function, someone (user or non-user) would go and purchase the package of their choice under purchase. Those not logged in would auto receive their log information in addition to Paypal receipt. We have it checked in the settings, but for whatever reason, no one is getting their login information. Please help ASAP!

Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
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jshannon replied on at Permalink Reply

Can you confirm that the accounts and transactions are being created?

Can you look in the logs and see if the email is trying to be sent out?

I suspect this is a settings issue, not so much with the package settings but with email settings. Are any emails working?


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> On 25 oct. 2014, at 09:17, concrete5 Community <discussions@concretecms.com> wrote:
bcomsolutions replied on at Permalink Reply
No - the users aren't being created. I copied the link from the membership product and linked it with a button. The public clicks on it and it simply asks them to pay (Paypal is what we use) on the paypal screen. No account is created.
jshannon replied on at Permalink Reply
Is the PayPal transaction successful?

Do you have ipn and pdt successfully set up?

Do you have full page caching enabled?

Has this ever worked? Maybe in previous testing?

Any url and permissions and FTP access you can provide me would help. However, I'm actually at a wedding right now so will have to debug by email for the next few hours.


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> On 25 oct. 2014, at 11:21, concrete5 Community <discussions@concretecms.com> wrote:
bcomsolutions replied on at Permalink Reply
It previously worked - I turned on full page caching. I can give you further access when you're able to diagnose. Don't want to interfere with your wedding! Let me know when you're available.
jshannon replied on at Permalink Reply
Not my wedding. :)

Can you turn full page caching off in the short term?


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> On 25 oct. 2014, at 12:16, concrete5 Community <discussions@concretecms.com> wrote:
bcomsolutions replied on at Permalink Reply
Turned off!
bcomsolutions replied on at Permalink Reply
Turned off.
jshannon replied on at Permalink Reply
Great. So is it working now?

Full page caching is almost certainly causing your problem. It's super aggressive and (arguably) poorly designed. Personally, I'd recommend that you turn it off because it'll break lots of other things in weird ways. For example, the core's own pagination block won't work.

You should also be able to have full page caching on for all of the site, but exclude it for the success page (that paypal returns to).

But... while FPC is incompatible with Paypal PDT (see my docs -- it's the passback method that uses the user request) there should be no problems with IPN. The fact that user accounts aren't getting created implies that IPN isn't working, either.

Ideally you'd have both working as they serve slightly different purposes (see my docs). You can look at the IPN history by logging into paypal and viewing the IPN history. It'll tell you if it's tried sending out IPN messages and what the status of those messages are. Has it been sending out messages?
bcomsolutions replied on at Permalink Reply
Full page caching was turned off to begin with. Notifications still aren't going out. The paypal order goes through, but the member isn't added and therefore isn't sent a new user email.
jshannon replied on at Permalink Reply
So what's happened since it last worked? Any changes?

I understand the problem. The ipn records are very different from the transactions. What does the ipn history on PayPal say? Can you send it to me?


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> On 25 oct. 2014, at 20:49, concrete5 Community <discussions@concretecms.com> wrote:
bcomsolutions replied on at Permalink Reply
It worked a while back, but had to take a few months to work on other projects. Where do I find the IPN information? Want to get this resolved ASAP.
jshannon replied on at Permalink Reply
So it stopped working? And you didn't change anything at all? No settings? Nothing with the PayPal account? No upgrades?

Ipn history is viewable withhttps://developer.paypal.com/docs/classic/ipn/integration-guide/IPNO...

As mentioned, ipn is just one half of the problem. But it'd certainly help to solve that half first.

The fact that neither work makes me think there might be a problem with the PayPal account. The last person that something like this happened to, the client had not enabled their PayPal account.


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> On 25 oct. 2014, at 21:08, concrete5 Community <discussions@concretecms.com> wrote:
bcomsolutions replied on at Permalink Reply
I think it's up and going now - had an issue with Paypal we overlooked. How do we change the email address from which the notifications come?
jshannon replied on at Permalink Reply
What was the problem?

That's set in concrete5. See something like
bcomsolutions replied on at Permalink Reply
Great thanks!

The problem was that our client had changed his Paypal email without telling us - UGH!

Thanks for your prompt assistance!


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