Categories again

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slow Christmas so thought I would try to work on my website.pages.

I am creating categories but not getting anything showing up on my page. I do get my link and description etc working but not the category the link is placed under.. Why not???

this aspect of displaying the categories and then all the URL Links, titles and desc. under the categories is really important to me.

I have tried several times to fiddle with it and no luck.

I also tried to look into putting the category name under the view.php, but that would only just place one category not multiple categories as I read the code. Am I wrong?? What am i not understanding here???

Not much knowledge/capable about php anyway so do not know what php code I would put inside the code around description and exactly where.
Any help here??

Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
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Tony replied on at Permalink Reply
the category link isn't intended to be printed out on the display, so you're asking for something that isn't supported by default from the package. The categories are provided for filtering sets of links on various blocks that you add throughout the site. If you know a little PHP it would be pretty easy to print out the category name's though if you modified the view.php file. You should be able to get at that data with $linkData['categories']

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