Installing the package

Please observe the following installation notes:

Versions 2.0 and higher:

Starting at version 2.0 this package has been improved so that it doesn't use 3rd party libraries anymore and it also doesn't modify your website's configuration file anymore. If you are upgrading from a version lower than 2.0, you must uninstall and remove this package before installing version 2.0 or higher.

Versions lower than 2.0:

  • This package modifies your application's config file (/application/config/app.php) during installation and deinstallation. Though data is preservered, anything that is not code (comments) will be removed. If you have a modified config file, we recommend making a backup, just to be on the safe side.
  • This package will create the folder (/application/src/MailService) during installation and remove it at deinstallation. Do not place or modify anything in this folder as it will be removed when the package is uninstalled.
  • Though Concrete 5.7 runs on PHP version 5.3, this package requires PHP 5.4 or higher in order for the installed libraries to work.
  • This package installs additional 3rd party libraries listed at the bottom of this page.

This package has intentionally been designed as "Plug & Play", so even users with no programming skills can install and use this package. That is why your application's config file is modified by this add-on so that you don't have to muddle with code. This add-on has been thoroughly tested and reviewed. But, If you feel uncomfortable with this, please feel free to make a copy of your configuration file before installation (and place it back anytime you want) or ask your website builder to review this add-on before installation.

Your application's configuration file is empty by default when you install the website, so it will not contain anything, unless you, or your website's builder put something in it. This add-on will not remove that code; it will just add the setting required by this package.

3rd party libraries:

- mailgun/mailgun-php

- sendgrid/sendgrid

- sendgrid/smtpapi

- mandrill/mandrill

- guzzle/guzzle

- guzzlehttp/guzzle

- guzzlehttp/ringphp

- guzzlehttp/streams

- react/promise

- symfony/event-dispatcher

All versions:

  • Enabling a mail service lets Concrete use this mail service instead of the default mail service. This is for all types of email; from password resets to notifications.
  • Please consider and observe limitations set by your email provider in respect to aspects such as : data quota, the maximum number of emails you can send per day or the maximum file size of attachments.
  • Most mail services require the sender email-address to have the same domain as configured in the corresponding account. This is to prevent email from being marked as spam. The mail services will use that email address and ignore any from-email address set in this website's configuration file if it has a different domain.
  • If an email can not be sent for some reason, Concrete's default mail service will be used to deliver the email.