Alignment. Spacing. Style.

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Hi! I just bought the Mosaic Gallery, and I like it a lot. But I have two small, and possibly stupid questions.

1) I set the width, left the height in auto, and set 4 columns. No matter how I tweak it, or how many pictures I put in, the top of the mosaic is uneven, unlike all your screenshots and demos. Also the spacing between pictures seems to be uneven.
Did I do something wrong in the settings, or is there something wrong with my concrete5 site messing your tool up?
(Screenshot 1 / )

2) The style of the popup is different in my site than in your demo site. Is this configurable? Part of the site theme? Version specific?
(Screenshot 2)

Tell me if you need to log on to my site.

Sverre, Norway

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jb1 replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Hi Sverre

Your theme is causing the uneveness so to speak. If you look at your iGotStyle.css of your theme at line 116. If take that off that should display it correctly. Also regarding the popup that's the latest popup we have made. That's a better version of the previous one as it's mobile ready meaning to say it will fit mobile devices if your theme is responsive.

Hope that helps.

sverre replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks, JZ.
You solved my problem and answered all my questions.
I'm very happy with the gallery now!

jb1 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Sverre

Great to hear. :)


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