WARNING: concrete5 5.6 and earlier are end-of-life. Sales from the marketplace have now ended. Click here to learn more about this transition.

MyBB Reader

This add-on allows you to display the first post of a given forum's public threads which was created in a MyBB Forum system residing on the same server as your site.

Ideal for displaying news or event threads of a forum.


  • Ability to filter threads by a simple and unique tagging system(see help in block edit)
  • Setting for the number of recent posts to display
  • Costumisable display(you can set the style in simple css)
  • Costumisable content (you can insert the author's name, date(in given format), and/or a link to the thread(with given text) after the title and/or in the footer of the post)
  • Also displays smilies

WARNING! This add-on can only display entries of a MyBB installation residing on the same server as the site using it. So it is REQUIRED to have AT LEAST ONE EXISTING
MyBB forum on the same server as your site (tested with tha latest version -v1.6, but should work with older ones -from v1.4- as well).

Also this add-on does not install, configure, or modify your MyBB in any way -as it is now- and only accepts a forum name(as used in MyBB itself) and the baselink(or path) to the MyBB installation directory relative to the concrete5 installation directory this add-on is used with (e.g. if your concrete5 is in /www/concrete5/ and your MyBB is in /www/forum then the baselink should be /../forum). This also means that it can be used with any number of independent MyBBs as long as the above criteria is met.


Sales have ended due to EOL

Approved by PRB

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  • Replies to tickets every few days.

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  • On marketplace.concretecms.com