Getting Started

Getting Started
I have tried to make this plugin as simple as possible to get started.
The quickest way to get started is to install the plugin.
When a page is viewed the Meta tags will be rendered into the page header of every page.
To change any of the following defaults go to Dashboard->System & Settings->Environment->Social Media Meta Tags

fb:admins and fb:app_id
These should be left blank to start with. See below for more detail.

The best way to get data into the Meta Tags is to make sure that every page has a Page Title if a page title is not set then the default title will be used.

The description meta tag is derived from the page description. You can set a default page description Go to Dashboard->System & Settings->Environment->Social Media Meta Tags
When a page doesn't have a description this will then be used.

By setting a default image this will make sure that every page will have an image in the meta tags that represents your site.
When the image is selected first the image attribute is checked to see if it is set, if so then this ismage is added to the meta tags for the page.
If this is not set then the Concrete5 page thumbnail is checked, if this isn't set then the default value is used.

Page Attributes
Every page can have seperate Title, Description and Image attributes set. When these attributes are set they will be used.
The attributes are set in exactly the same way as any Concrete5 page attribute.

Order of precedence
This Applies to the Image, Title and Description meta tags.
For these tags there is an order that the value is selected. If you have set a page level attribute that is used, otherwise the standard page value is used, if that is empty the page meta value is used and finally the site level default is used.

fb:admins and fb:app_id
Facebook provides a tracking Analytics package called INSIGHTS this allows you to do detailed analytical analysis on how your website users are accessing using your website. When a visitor to your website likes a page the Open Graph meta tags are saved to the visitors timeline by setting the fb:app_id value this like is also recorded in your Facebook Insights data.
When you have insight data the only person able to access this data is the owner of the Facebook page, the fb:admins tag allows you to specify who else can access the Insights data.
A lot more in this can be found here

Testing your Open Graph data

To test that your data is rendering correctly and to see what facebook will see they provide a ogp debugger.
You need to have a facebook account to use this.
Visit enter your page url and the debugger will show you what your data will look like in a facebook timeline.