Date renders other search filters ineffective

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As soon as I add the date select filter all of the other filters stop working except the date filter. If I remove the date filter the others start working.

Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
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kimstone replied on at Permalink Reply
You can test it here:

Eugene and Portland are cities you can enter, and Lecture & Family are categories.
kimstone replied on at Permalink Reply
And here is a demo with the date other filters work.
SkyBlueSofa replied on at Permalink Reply
Can you turn on the debugging on the 'view' tab for both? It will then output the generated sql. Usually, we can figure out what the issue is quickly from there.
kimstone replied on at Permalink Reply
Ok...I just setup the debugging on both the search and the page lists on both pages.

Thank you so much!
SkyBlueSofa replied on at Permalink Reply
If you run the date page at and then fill out the date field, you'll notice something like this about half way down:
ak_date_start LIKE '%2016-12-01%'

which means it is looking for pages with a 'start date' of 'December 1, 2016'.

If you fill out the date field with 1/3/2017, it will return one event.

Is there an option such as 'is after search value'? I believe this is what you will need.
kimstone replied on at Permalink Reply
Ok, I set the date to 'is after' and its still working as it was. Though the formatting of the date in the debugging info is different.

It hasn't fixed the issue of the other search fields not working though.

If its of any importantce, I've changed my custom page list date formatting to
<?php $date = $c->getAttribute('date_start'); echo date('F j, Y', strtotime($date)); ?>
kimstone replied on at Permalink Reply
So, I'm wondering if you are clear on the issue I'm having.

The date search works, but to the detriment of all the other search you can see on this page:

On this page, the other search fields work when I remove the date search:

I'm hoping that all the fields can work congruently.

Thanks, again.
SkyBlueSofa replied on at Permalink Reply
Here's the page I'm reviewing (with it's search):

You'll notice on the left side the date is
ak_date_start LIKE '%2016-12-23%'
and on the right, it is
((CONVERT(ak_date_start, DECIMAL)>'2016-12-23') OR (ak_date_start>'2016-12-23'))

You'll need to update the block on the left to match the settings for the block on the right, using the 'is after' functionality.
kimstone replied on at Permalink Reply
Ok, they're the same now, and now the date query doesn't work at all, while the other fields do.

Would it help if I pm'd you with login access to C5?
kimstone replied on at Permalink Reply
It seems the only way I can get the filters to work congruently is to set the date to 'matches current entry' (in fact, that's the only way the date works).

Go ahead and do a date search for 2/2/17 for an initial query. Then select 'family' under categories for a second query. You will see it narrow the results.

Unfortunately it won't work if you don't select a date.

Forgive me for being so high maintenance.
kimstone replied on at Permalink Reply
So, I changed my tactic and came up with a better solution. I created select questions for the day, month, and year which accommodate the filtering I'm looking for.

I appreciate your efforts immensely though, and think its easily one of the best add ons in the market place.

Happy Holidays and 2017!!

Thank again,


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