Search not working

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Fantastic add on!

Unfortunately, the search functionality isn’t working on one site, but I have it setup exactly the same as it on a dev site where it is working.

Here is the dev site:

If you select 'Wyoming' under ‘State(s) in which you practice’. You will see that the list changes the second the search attribute is selected.

This is the live site where it isn’t working:

Select 'Nursing' under 'Specialty' and you'll see nothing happens.

I’ve noted that on the live site it forces an entire page reload, which I’m suspecting is refreshing the search function before the results are generated, thus rendering it ineffective.

I tried to load the form data via Ajax by following your documentation, which didn’t seem to work. I’m not sure if the AJAX is only supposed to be used with a single search block or two blocks that are side by side with one block being the list and the other being the search function.

A few questions:

1) These sites are hosted by different companies. Would different servers handle the page reload differently?
2) The dev site is C5 version while the live version is Could the different versions handle the page reload differently?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.


Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
View Replies:
SkyBlueSofa replied on at Permalink Reply
Is the list setup to receive search results? There are so many configurations that it's easy to miss one.

or, I might be able to resolve the issue if you granted me access to edit the site.

Let me know how you would like to proceed.
kimstone replied on at Permalink Reply
I pm'd you with access. Thank you, immensely!!

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