Version History

0.9 Initial release : 2015/01/25

  • Submitted package for marketplace approval. Will bump version to 1.0 when approved.


0.9.2 : 2015/03/12

  • Approved and released on the Marketplace.


0.9.3 : 2015/05/04

  • Manually fixed for 5.7.4. This was not done by me to my suprise so I suppose A Concrete teammember did this.


1.0 : 2015/05/28

  • Fixed folder structure and namespacing according to fixed autoloading bug in Concrete 5.7.4.
  • Made Javascript workaround-fix for Javascipt bug in Concrete that caused the form-modal to close when using a sitemap-selector widget in the Pagelist block before using the sitemap-selector in the Page Picker Form.
  • Added the strong-tag (<strong>) as a new option for the title of a Pagepicker.
  • Removed duplicate code hinting in some template-views.
  • Optimized some Javascript in the form template.

Note : Version 0.9 was a dev-version which I wanted to bump to 1.0 prior to Marketplace release. However, it was released automatically under version 0.9.2. So I decided to release this one under version 1.0 and follow versioning conventions from that point.


1.1 : 2015/07/28

  • Database fix : changes database table names according to Concrete naming conventions for blocks.
  • Added new feature so you can provide an alias for each picked page to display instead of the page name (simular to the File Picker block).
  • Set $btCacheBlockOutputForRegisteredUsers for registered users from true to false because it caused confusion when editing.
  • Created a new, clean package icon that more accurately reflects what the block does.
  • Replaced all usages of array short notations with normal array notations for systems using php version 5.3.
  • Improved layout of the Page Picker form.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: If you are updating from an older version to 1.1 : The database table names are renamed during the update in accordance of Concrete's naming conventions. This should not create a problem but my advice is to make a backup of your database before upgrading,just to be on the safe side. Also make sure you are at the upgrade screen before uploading the new package to your website (/index.php/dashboard/extend/install) otherwise you will see errors on the pages that contain Page Pickers. If you have any problems at all, please let me know. If you created your own foreign keys in the database pointing to any of these tables you will have to drop those first (if you have no clue what I'm talking about your o.k. ;)).

Version 1.1 contains a new feature where you can supply aliases for each page to use instead of the page names. If you created your own templates, wou will have to make a minor adjustment to them : replace all usages of $_page->getCollectionName() with $_page->getDisplayCollectionName().

1.1.1 : 2015/11/26

  • Refactored all usages of deprecated Loader class.
  • Refactored database calls using the deprecated ::Execute-method to use method ::executeQuery.
  • Fixed issue with Javascript bug in the Concrete5 Javascript which caused nothing to happen when selecting a page from the sitemap after previously using a Concrete block to select a page from the sitemap.
  • Made the the upgrade method of the package controller backwards compatible with version <= 1.1 so that users can skip upgrading to 1.1. first before upgrading to to the latest version.
  • Removed faulty if-statement in \Concrete\Package\PagePicker\Src\Page\Page::convertFromConcretePages
  • Fixed bug in Concrete\Package\PagePicker\Block\PagePicker::delete calling undefined static variable self::$pageTable
2.0 : 2017/01/11
  • Removed argument casting of argument $args in the save method of the block controller and added redundant array conversion on first line of method (Possibly Concrete does not always pass an array).
  • Refactored Package::getByHandle in package controller due to changed return types in Concrete's core in version 8.
  • Fixed string concatenation operator and typo in variable name in Concrete\Package\PagePicker\Src\Page\PageList::getQueryPaginationPageParameter.
  • Changed the package name and description in the return methods of the package controller.
  • Added PSR4 autoloading for the src folder in the package controller because this doesn't work anymore in Concrete version 8.
2.1.0 : 2017/12/23
  • Refactored helper instantiation to use Concrete's service container.
  • Refactored deprecated PageList::getPagination().
  • Fixed bug with package::getByHandle in package Controller::upgrade due to Facade and Doctrine implementation in Concrete.
  • Added autoload path in package controller.
2.1.1 : 2018/01/01
  • Fixed a bug where sitemap would not show when editing a page picker and clicking the 'add a page button'. This bug would occur when the concrete folder was located in the updates folder.

NOTICE : Version 1.1. had an important database fix (table rename). This version (1.1.1) is backwards compatible. This means that if you are upgrading from a version under 1.1, you don't have to install 1.1. first before upgrading to the latest version; you can install the latest version directly. The upgrade will run the 1.1. update too if this is necessary.