
Go to your concrete5 dashboard, login and navigate to “Page & Themes” – “Page Speed Checker” – “Config”. This is the main configuration page. If you haven’t found your “Google API Key” yet, do that first. You can find out how to get it on the “Create the Google PageSpeed API key” page.

Default Locale

Each page you analyze will get some advices and text describing what can be better for your page, what you really have to change and what you already did well. This text is in English by default. Now, it could be that you prefer a different language. So you can reconfigure that by selecting a different locale here. If you’ve got multiple users accessing your reports with different languages, it may be best to keep it on English to have everyone be able to actually read what’s going on. The chosen locale will be saved into the history, so there won’t be a copy of “English” if you set it to “German” for example.

Default Analyze Type

There are 2 types to analyze:

  1. Page
  2. Web page URL

A page being a page within your concrete5 website. A web page URL is an external URL you can check. Maybe you have a page not being accessible through the sitemap (and therefore not selectable as a page) or you simply want to do a check from a different website for the sake of it. By default, it’s set to “Page”. It’s most likely you will be analyzing real “Pages” instead of web page URL’s.

Base URL (Testing)

Only fill in this field if you have made a duplicate of your concrete5 website locally or somewhere else and want to run Page Speed Checker within this duplicate. That way your report will be made with this base URL upon checking a “Page” (analyze type). So you don’t have to put in each page as a “Web page URL” and can even run the available “Automated Job” called “Page Speed Checker - Pages”.

Delete .log file after running the 'Page Speed Checker - Pages' automated job

When running the available automated job, a log file (.log) will be created. You can chose to remove this log file after the completion of this automated job. However, it can be useful to know what has been processed and when (in case of any errors for example). The log files will be created in /application/files/tmp by default and look something like “page_speed_checker_[xxxx].log” – [xxxx] being the time string when the automated job started processing. You can chose to manually delete them too in case you like.