Version History

1.2.0 - Additional fix for tags issue.

1.1.9 - Fixed tags issue.

1.1.8 - Fixed custom topic issue.

1.1.7 - Fixed variable error on No button template.

1.1.6 - Fixed special characters issue on filter.

1.1.5 - Fixed large thumbnail issue.

1.1.4 - Fixed No Buttons custom template filter issue.

1.1.3 - fixed filter tag issue on custom template

1.1.2 - fixed custom template version 8 compatibility issue.

1.1.1 - updated concrete5 8 compatibility.

1.1     - fixed tooltip issue

1.0     - marketplace release

0.9.6  - changed numeric fields to input type number.

          - dded column layout options. - updated metacolumn function.

            - removed container class.

            - fixed undefined blazy.

0.9.5 - removed deprecated functions (except list filter function).

0.9.4 - updated functions.

         - removed debugging script (console.log()).

0.9.3 - added lazy load for the delayed image.

         - dded image count option when viewing lightbox.

         - changed default set to multimedia.

0.9.2 - added clickable image item in custom template

0.9.1 - removed preview pane

0.9 - marketplace release