
Pro Image is a single image add-on that gives you more options then the default "image" block that comes with concrete5.

One of its key features is that it has the ability to set spacing and position of your image from right inside the block itself. This is a big time saver.

Pro Image is fully responsive for todays latest responsive designs that are taking over the internet including the concrete5 theme marketplace.

Pro Image comes with 3 custom templates to start with and more will be added with future updates.

Pro Image comes with built in CDN functionality for CDN services that provide you with a URL.

Simply enable the CDN option by setting it to "on" and enter the URL for your CDN.

Setting "Check to see if image exists on CDN server" to "on" will enable checking your CDN server for images and slow down page load time. Setting it to the "off" position will speed up page load time.