WARNING: concrete5 5.6 and earlier are end-of-life. Sales from the marketplace have now ended. Click here to learn more about this transition.

Do you have a requirement for specialised functionality built on Concrete CMS?
I work at an hourly rate or can offer a fixed price against a well defined requirement.

Notifications of private messages and support requests can be unreliable. If I have not responded within 24 hours, please email directly - contact details at c5magic.co.uk.

Proper Job (c5.6)

Provide a convenient button or link directly on a page to run a concrete5 job.

As a site administrator you can keep control of the dashboard and even the edit mode of pages, while allowing selected users to run selected jobs.

  • Give site editors immediate access to cache clearing via Cache Vac.
  • Give site editors immediate access to remove old page versions.
  • Remind yourself to make regular backups by placing a private button to run Backup Job or Backup Voodoo in your global header.
  • Add a button to rebuild the Sitemap or Search Index to your blog page. 
  • Where addons use jobs to pre-load and refresh data, you can now run those jobs directly from the pages where the data is used.
  • Create a stack with your own personal job execution toolbar.
  • Save a few mouse clicks for any job you need to regularly run manually.
  • Run queueable jobs

Please read the documentation for more details.

See more addons by JohntheFish


Sales have ended due to EOL

Approved by PRB

Our 30 Day Support Policy

  • Replies to tickets every few days.

Support Hosted

  • On marketplace.concretecms.com