WARNING: concrete5 5.6 and earlier are end-of-life. Sales from the marketplace have now ended. Click here to learn more about this transition.

As the Concrete5 5.6.x marketplace has discontinued sales, if you wish to purchase any of my add-ons or themes (for 5.6.x) please send me a PM for instructions on direct payment via Paypal. Once payment is made I'll email you the zip file within 24 hours.

Please check out all of our add-ons and themes at c5extras.com.

RSS Feed Aggregator

See this add-on in action...

Your RSS feeds have a new home! The RSS Feed Aggregator combines an unlimited number of RSS feeds from ANY source (both on your C5 site, or an external site). It's perfect for bringing multiple parts of your website together into a consolidated form which can be easily shared and syndicated across the web.

In addition, it includes simple yet effective filtering so you can turn any existing local or external RSS sources into your own "mashup" of news and interesting stories. For example, you can pull RSS feeds from 10 different news sites and filter them to only include stories about "gadgets" and "internet". This RSS feed can then be used for a variety of purposes, such as displaying the stories on your C5 site using the core "RSS" block.

Best of all the URL generated by the RSS Feed Aggregator is search engine friendly and never changes, even if you update your feed settings. With built-in cache support and even more filtering options, it is the perfect tool for managing RSS feeds and even creating a customised news website using Concrete5. With fresh, rich, on-topic content generated on autopilot, your website will take on new life. It couldn't be easier!


  • Merge an unlimited number of RSS feeds into 1
  • Search engine friendly URL structure (eg. yoursite.com/rssfeed)
  • Cache support
  • Optionally strip out any HTML code from feed items
  • Sort RSS items by newest, oldest, alphabetical or even random
  • Filter RSS items by multiple keywords
  • Easy-to-use dashboard interface



Sales have ended due to EOL

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  • Replies to tickets every business day.

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  • On marketplace.concretecms.com