WARNING: concrete5 5.6 and earlier are end-of-life. Sales from the marketplace have now ended. Click here to learn more about this transition.

Sample Content Generator

concrete5 5.5 introduces the concept of installation starting points. These starting points are packages that can customize nearly everything about a concrete5 install from first run – including content. This add-on can take a fully functioning concrete5 site and convert it into the concrete5 content interchange format, which is an XML description of a concrete5 site, including links, pages, blocks, areas, config values, attributes, page defaults, and more. This isn't a solution for exporting a website! But if you've ever wanted to be able to automatically create content when a concrete5 site is first installed (or you've followed the link from a how-to on white labeling concrete5), this add-on is for you.

5.6+ Compatibility

Support for versions about 5.6 is limited and not fully tested. Some users have reported success while others have run into issues. While we'll do are best to address new issues, we cannot fully support it.

Sample Content Generator is free and open source software (MIT Licensed) and available at our public git repository at https://github.com/concrete5/addon_sample_content_generator


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Sales have ended due to EOL

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