Thumbnail to open different image when clicked

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I have a site that shows a cropped versions of images in the scrolling addon, but I need to show the full sized image when the thumb is clicked. Any ideas?

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ideasponge replied on at Permalink Reply
I don't mind handling the modifications if you can point me in the right direction.
ideasponge replied on at Permalink Reply
I tried setting a custom Image attribute to the images I use in the slideshow and made the necessary changes in the Addon options but when the page loads it did not work. I think it errored out but I didn't see one, it did however top processing the page when it came to that addon.
jb1 replied on at Permalink Reply

Did you check if the images have the same resolution? Also clicking the image should be possible if you checked the "Click to Zoom" which will make the images clickable and show a popup of the correct image.

ideasponge replied on at Permalink Reply
different resolutions. The popup works but I need it to be different images from what is in the slideshow. As mentioned, the images in the slideshow are cropped versions of what needs to be in the popups.

This is the page I am using it on,

The first image in that slide, with the bathtub, would need to open this image

I am using a custom template right now for the need slide image width of 871px.
jb1 replied on at Permalink Reply

I think this article will help you on that

Hope that helps.

ideasponge replied on at Permalink Reply
but that just takes the user directly to that link right? I need it to still operate with the modal popup. I was looking in the view and found a bunch of stuff on file attributes but wasn't sure if it was the right section or not. If I can get the proper attribute loaded then I can just feed that to the popup part of the code.
jb1 replied on at Permalink Reply
Apologies for the confusion. Yes you are right those are links to the image. Unfortunately changing the popup image isn't possible as of the moment. However, if you know a bit of programming you can easily play around the code. On the other hand, we also offer customisations so if you are interested just let me know so I can give you a quotation.

ideasponge replied on at Permalink Reply
No worries. Can you provide me with a quote for this just in case I can't figure it out? Thank you.

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