WARNING: concrete5 5.6 and earlier are end-of-life. Sales from the marketplace have now ended. Click here to learn more about this transition.


Want a simple way to communicate with your site visitors?

This package give you the facilities to send SMS text message updates right from your website. Included with the package are two block types, a dashboard area and a job to automatically remove numbers after a user unsubscribed.

Each block type is a form to enter the visitors phone number and cell phone carrier. When the visitor submits the form the phone number is stored into your website database. The second block is a form to allow visitors to unsubscribe from your SMS text message update.

The subscriber also has the option to unsubscribe right from the phone by replying back "Stop", "End", "Cancel", "Unsubscribe" or "Quit". These are not case sensitive.

To enable automatic SMS based unsubscribes, the block connects into an email account and polls the account for messages containing the above keywords. This supports IMAP and POP3 configuration with or without SSL.

All actions that the job does automatically are stored in the Concrete5 error log.

Now, if you go to your website dashboard, you will have a new tab where you can enter your text message to send out to all recipients. It's simple, can be setup in seconds and give you another avenue to market your services and products.

Currently this package supports US and Canadian carriers only.

BEFORE PURCHASING: This package requires you to automate (we recomend every 5 minutes) access (via cron) to the Concrete url to run all jobs and have socket access to an email account. Many shared hosts do not support this, check with your host before purchase.

LEGAL NOTE: Please follow all regulations on spam and mass mailing. Pempsell Design (the people who made this thing) do not claim any responsibility for misuse or malicious use of this product. Play nice and actually put the the unsubscribe block on your site.


Sales have ended due to EOL

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