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Social Class

New Update 1/26/14: Fix UX Styles for Firefox!!!

Social Class is a simple add-on that adds a set of 16 minimalist social links to your Concrete5 site. It features a sprite based set of grayscale icons which can be set to 1 for white or cranked to 11 for black. Also set the hover state (CSS:hover) to one of eleven shades of grey. Additional settings for alignment and targeting the links to open in a new page. 

Originally designed for Bootstrap based sites. Focusing on the additional "whitespace" available in the Bootstrap navbar, wether it's fixed or static. This addon works well on any modern or contemporary design that is focused on minimalism. Put it in the header, footer or wherever you so choose! 16 social icons include Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, LinkedIn, Youtube, Vimeo, Instagram, Flickr, Foursquare, RSS, Tumblr, Pinterest, Slideshare, Smugmug, SoundCloud, and Stack Overflow.

Dead Simple Interface.

The interface is the highlight of this block as it implements jQuery sliders for you to change the shade of your icons. Just drag the slider from the left to the right and the preview will show you what shade you've chosen. The "Hover Shade" slider will determine the shade of the icons when a user places their mouse over the icon. 

jQuery sliders

Additional Options

  1. Open in New Page - Leaving this box checked will add the 'target="_blank"'  attribute to each of your links. This will force the links to open in a new window or tab based on your user's browser setting, leaving your site open. Unchecking this box will navigate away from your site to the link's destination. 
  2. Alignment- By default this is set to "Left" which will inherit the default alignment of a 'div' tag. Setting this to "Right" will add a "float:right" to the block styling which works in theory but could cause some unwanted results. Note: To add a "float:left;" please use Concrete5's "Design" panel after adding the block with "Left" set.
  3. Links - Enter the urls to your social profiles disregarding the need to add HTTP:// or HTTPS:// - we'll do that for you if you like. We recommend you include it for posterity though. Any profiles left blank will not display an icon.
  4. Save/Add - Press it when you think you're ready to go.



Sales have ended due to EOL

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