html code break slider

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I need to have table on the slider, so I create a new slide, I choose 'Edit content option' and paste the following code :
<table class="mceItemTable"><tbody><tr><th class="FondGris">Période</th><th class="FondGris">Prix</th><th> </th><th class="FondGris">Période</th><th class="FondGris">Prix</th></tr><tr><td class="FondGris">du 1er au 7 avril</td><td class="FondGris">1000</td><td> </td><td class="FondGris">du 1er au 7 avril</td><td class="FondGris">1000</td></tr><tr><td class="FondGris">du 1er au 7 avril</td><td class="FondGris">1000</td><td> </td><td class="FondGris">du 1er au 7 avril</td><td class="FondGris">1000</td></tr><tr><td class="FondGris">du 1er au 7 avril</td><td class="FondGris">1000</td><td> </td><td class="FondGris">du 1er au 7 avril</td><td class="FondGris">1000</td></tr><tr><td class="FondGris">du 1er au 7 avril</td><td class="FondGris">1000</td><td> </td><td class="FondGris">du 1er au 7 avril</td><td class="FondGris">1000</td></tr></tbody></table>

some basic htlml code, I save my slider it works but when I need to modify my table if I go back to my slide and to "edit content" my html code has became :
<p><table class=</p>

. Can you please tell me how to insert html code in a slide? or how to fix fix this bug. thank you for your help

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