Addon just spinning

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Hi there,

Using the Youtube Channel addon for a new site under development. This was a license that was released and re-assigned to this new site Original site is still up while we work on this one.

I have selected playlist>pasted in the playlist ID>since it's Youtube selected the use ssl for https.

The addon shows up but just spins and never displays the videos. Have I done something incorrect or do you have any remedies that I might try?

We use a lot of your addons and really appreciate your offerings in C5

BIG thanks,

Type: Pre-Sale
Status: In Progress
View Replies:
theselbys replied on at Permalink Reply
Uh oh, I have the same exact issue and no one has replied to you yet?
surfsupjoe125 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi There,

No I have recived no response so I purchased the youtube max adon. Works great and my client is super happy with it. Check it out and its the same price.

jb1 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi, my Support Manager JZ has been out of the office for a couple days so I'm just going through any support requests.

It looks like he may have accidentally missed this previous message so apologies for that. We place the highest importance on fast, professional support and this ticket has been a very rare slip-up on our behalf.

I'll look into that issue and get back to you shortly. I appreciate your patience.

surfsupjoe125 replied on at Permalink Reply
Thx JB,

I really like your addon and want to use it on a couple of new sites. It
may have been me but I don't think so. I had to finish a site up so used
another one just to get it done. Would like to still try to figure our what
is going on though

Thanks and cheers

*Joe Notarianni*
Tel:(239) 434-7095
Cell:(239) 298-3984
jb1 replied on at Permalink Reply
I've just checked the latest version (1.3.17) of YouTube Channel and it's working fine on a couple test sites.

Just ensure you use the Playlist ID from the URL of the particular YouTube playlist. For example:

The Playlist ID is everything after the equals sign "PLtMCwgJuVzgq_q7Ru3VEwnAJOMsMtXSGk".

If there's a spinner and nothing else happens this is a Javascript error. And the most common cause is a clash with another jQuery script on the page or another jQuery script has an error which has a flow-on effect. The only way to troubleshoot this is see the actual page with our YouTube Channel block on it, and then we can pinpoint the cause of the issue.

If either (or both) of you can provide a URL we can dig deeper into it for you.

Much appreciated.

surfsupjoe125 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi JB,

Thanks for the effort but since that site is complete, I don't want either
of us to waste any time on it now. I am going to use your addon on another
site that we are currently developing. If I run into problems, I will reach
out then, if that's ok.

It is a cool way for them to display their videos and they don't have to
get into the website which always seems to cause problems.

I do appreciate your offer and since I pulled it off the site we can't
really do anything with it anyway. You actually did some custom work for me
a ways back and I really like your work. I will be using your stuff again
for sure.

All the best and a great New Year to Ya!!


*Joe Notarianni*
Tel:(239) 434-7095
Cell:(239) 298-3984
jb1 replied on at Permalink Reply
Ok, no probs. We are here to help anytime. If, in the rare situation, you don't receive a reply to any tickets within 1 business day, please send another message on the same thread. This will definitely get JZ's attention.

Hope you have a great weekend :-)

theselbys replied on at Permalink Reply
Awesome, thanks for the response.

I'm sure it's something I'm not doing right, but I'm not using playlists at the moment, Channel Type = Uploads. The URL for the block I'm using is
The URL for the page I'm using it on is

I do have it set for 'enable SSL' but have tried without as well.

Any help is much appreciated!
theselbys replied on at Permalink Reply
jb1 replied on at Permalink Reply

Sorry about the delay I thought this thread was closed. Anyway, can you send through your dashboard login details via Private Message so I can take a closer look?


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