
A Thousand Words is built to install directly over a base elemental install of concrete5. There are 3 page templates: left sidebar, right sidebar, and center. The center will correspond to a full page type.

Upon activation of this theme you must activate the "Slicknav" template for the autonav area at the top of the page. All your pages will be accessible under the menu/hamburger icon on the right top side of the screen. You may need to adjust the autonav block to show the pages you want.

One the left sidebar page type if you put something in the sidebar area it will appear to the right of the main area: on the right sidebar it will appear on the left. This is to maximize the visibility of the image filling your screen.

To get that background image you should install and use the fantastic "MrKDilkington - Full Screen Background Image and Overlay" There is a dedicated area at the top of the page for installing this block on a per page basis. If you want one image sitewide just install the block in the autonav area, which is a sitewide area.

There is a "Lead" area on top of the main content area that will allow you to display content without a translucent background.